Course Summary

We live in a world where physical photographs are fast becoming a distant memory. Photobooks are a fantastic, modern way of printing out your photos and even make for a fantastic gift! During this course, you will discover a range of affordable and user-friendly ways of creating your very own personalised photobooks through Chatbooks and Blurb; from fun mini-books to professional quality art books. Take photos from your computer, camera, or smartphone, and print them in a customised book. 

During the course you will learn how to:

  • Edit your images
  • Create styles and effects
  • Worki with templates
  • Customise your layout
  • Create a cohesive photobook structure

Are there any pre-requisites?

You will need to have at least a basic udnerstanding of using and navigating your way around a computer environment.

What should I bring on the day?

Please bring a notebook, pen and a collection of images/photographs on a USB stick or portable hard-drive. If you do not have a USB stick, you can pick them up very cheap from places like Officeworks.

If you don’t curretly have any images, the teacher will bring along a range of sample images for you to work with (and learn from) on the day.

Currently, we have no dates scheduled for this course. Please contact us via email to register your interest.

Last updated: May 16, 2024 04:46pm