February 14th wasn’t just a day to celebrate romantic love, it was also National Library Lovers’ Day 

The holiday acknowledges all of the amazing libraries servicing our communities and all the book lovers across Australia. Libraries are often unassuming buildings in our towns or cities, yet they relentlessly give back to the public, offering free education, books, events, services and a safe space for anyone to sit.  

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The CAE are avid supporters of books and reading and we cherish our large library of books available through Dialogue. So, we couldn’t let National Library Lovers’ Day pass without recognition and we have decided to share five reasons to visit or join your local library. Signing up is completely free and usually takes just a few minutes. Not only do you get to enjoy the free benefits, you also support an important community hub, an essential service, while preserving Australia’s literary heritage.  

Five Reasons to Visit your Local Library: 

1. Community Hub 

Libraries have community noticeboards that let members post information about events or local news. They are accessible buildings that act as a touchstone for people to connect and share information. Libraries are often meeting places for book groups, literary discussions, teachers and students.  

2. Free Stuff! 

The library is a government-funded institution providing a wealth of free products and services to members. Once you sign up you can access free internet, print services, books, magazines, and music and film rentals. Not only are you saving money, you’re also reducing waste by borrowing second-hand books and resources.  

3. Library Events and Programs  

Your local library will hold regular free activities and events like reading circles, storytime, and arts-and-crafts for kids. Alongside this, there are often community discussion groups, author talks, education programs and competitions. It’s a great resource for both children and adults to connect, learn new skills, and meet like-minded people.  

4. Quiet and Safe space 

Whether you’re working from home, studying or just want some peace and quiet, libraries offer an inclusive and quiet place to sit. Most libraries will have dedicated quiet zones and workspaces equipped with charging ports, lamps and privacy screens. You can also explore the library’s extensive collection and have access to print materials that aren’t available digitally. 

5. Kid-Friendly 

Visiting a library with your child will encourage them to read and it will provide a welcome space for them to borrow many books and meet other children. Giving your child a library card will impart a sense of responsibility and ensure that they return, as well as caring for books they borrow, and respecting quiet spaces while visiting.  

What’s not to love? 

If you aren’t already a member, we hope these reasons inspire you to get down to your local library and join. It’s a great place to meet fellow book lovers if you want to start a Book Group and a great place to gather for group discussion. Supporting and utilising library services goes a long way towards ensuring they are funded and there for future generations.