Starting a fitness journey is often the first hurdle or stumbling block for many who want to improve their health. The time, the energy, the commitment – it’s a big deal (with big benefits!). But when you break down your fitness goals and look at small, achievable actions you can build your physical confidence and momentum.
Whether you’re getting back on track after a break from routine or taking a first step towards a more active lifestyle, little and consistent steps can make all the difference.
We’ve put together some great tips and advice on how to get motivated to exercise – and stay motivated in the long term.
Start small. Build gradually.
The most common trap we fall into is trying to do too much too soon, or all at once. Just like life, your fitness goals shouldn’t be a sprint – treat them like a marathon. Pace yourself. Rushing or pushing yourself too hard can lead to overwhelm or worse, burnout or injury.
Start with short bursts of lighter, manageable exercise sessions. Try walks, free weights or stretching for 10 to 15 minutes a few times each week. Then increase that time incrementally by adding 5 additional minutes at a pace that suits you. When you’re ready, you can start to incorporate additional sessions or different types or intensities of workouts to help break up your routine.
Choose activities you enjoy
If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’re more likely to stick with it. Things to consider when choosing the right exercise are whether you prefer indoors or outdoors, working out solo or in a group and what level of fitness you are at.
Exercise is more than just going to the gym. It’s walking the dog, dancing, swimming, housework or any type of sport.
Keep in mind your time and resources too and try to work with what you’ve got.
Make fitness part of your routine
Look at your current schedule – your working hours, family and social commitments, and everyday errands. See where and how you can seamlessly incorporate any form of exercise into your calendar. Can you choose to walk or cycle instead of drive somewhere? Can you align exercise to suit whether you’re a morning or evening person? Can you choose a place to exercise that is close to home (or right at home!)
Don’t forget to also include planning as part of your routine. Lay out your workout clothes and shoes the night before. Pre-make any shakes or post-workout meals. Sign up for a scheduled class. Put exercise in your calendar so you can stick to a plan and keep a log of your workouts.
Track your progress and reward yourself
Seeing how far you have come is the ultimate motivation. A simple journal or checklist can do the trick. Make sure you note down all the forms of exercise you perform. Taking the stairs instead of the lift, gardening and housework all count. Every active choice you make to move is a move towards your fitness goals.
Noting down your progress keeps you accountable and will reveal the new patterns and habits you form over time.
Celebrate the milestones, whether big or small. If you stick to a routine for a week or month. If you overcome the urge to hit snooze to go to an early morning class. If you increase your duration of exercise. These are all milestones to recognise so give yourself a pat on the back!
Don’t underestimate a warm-up and a cool-down
Whether your exercise is gentle or intense, warming up and cooling down are important for your body’s safety and performance.
A proper warm up prepares your muscles, joints and heart for physical activity. Gentle movements like light stretching, increase your blood flow and flexibility, and can help prevent overexertion and injury.
Cooling down helps your body gradually return to its resting state. It can reduce muscle stiffness and soreness and regulate your heart rate.
Injury is one of the common reasons people break their exercise habits, so it’s important to keep your body safe.
Be flexible and give yourself rest days
Like warming up and cooling down, rest days are vital for your body’s safety and to prevent fatigue. Your body needs time to recover energy and, depending on the intensity of your workouts, time to repair.
Stay in tune with your body and listen to its needs. If you’re feeling burned out, choose rest or perform gentle stretches instead of overexerting yourself.
Don’t feel discouraged if you hit pause on your fitness. Like any journey, your fitness goals won’t be linear. You’ll have better days and weeks than others. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not give up. Keep the door open on exercise. Pivot to what’s comfortable. And above all else, keep looking forward.
A fitness journey begins with a single step, and like a gentle walk, continues with one foot in front of another. Remember, it’s not about how much you do but how consistently you do it. Motivation doesn’t always come naturally. But with the right mindset and preparation, you can create fitness habits that stick.
Ready to start your fitness journey? Try our fitness classes!
From Tai Chi to Bone Boosters, we can help you ease into fitness at your own pace and create a routine that’s both enjoyable and rewarding.
Don’t forget to check out our dance classes and walking tours too!