Course Summary

Learn to use oil paint like a professional artist. This course will cover the many facets of oil painting techniques from paint application to surface preparation, mediums and finishing and glazing.

Course Sessions

Saturday, 5th April - 2 classes

Session ID HXD86601C
5 Apr - 12 Apr 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$365 / $347 (conc)

Tuesday, 6th May - 4 classes

Session ID HXD86602C
6 May - 27 May 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$365 / $347 (conc)

Saturday, 9th August - 2 classes

Session ID HXD86603C
9 Aug - 16 Aug 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$375 / $356 (conc)

Week 1
Overview of all materials and safety procedures, preparatory sketching and composition, begin basic tonal painting exercise

Week 2
Colour properties and mixing, palette and surface preparation, begin new still life painting on canvas

Week 3
Begin new still life object painting focusing on light and shadow and complex colour mixing

Week 4
Portrait painting with detailed step-by-step breakdown, skin tone colour mixing, composition and using your own creative flair to make a resolved artwork

*Please note that all wet paintings may be left in the studio each week but everything must be collected within two weeks of the course finish date as per arranged with CAE staff.

Basic 5 Paints Essential
• Opaque or Block White (Titanium)
• French Ultramarine (Blue)
• Lemon Yellow
• Alizarin Crimson
• Lamp Black
Optional Extras (Higher Series)
• Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Red or Scarlet, Cadmium Yellow, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Viridian Green, Cerulean Blue, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Cadmium Green, etc!

A selection of small, medium and large brushes
• Hogs Hair: Sizes #12, #8 
• Acrylic (Soft, Flat, Square): Sizes #10, #6, #2.
• Large House Painting Brush (no smaller than 5cm in width) for priming.

Refined linseed oil or equivalent oil painting medium

You will need two surfaces (one for each class) approximately A3 in size or 10x12inch in canvas sizing choose from:
• Oil/acrylic painting card (available in pads from an art store).
• Primed canvas ready-mades (stretched canvas on stretcher) or primed canvas boards, available from art store or discount store with art section
• Pre-cut MDF board (sealed with a couple of coats of gesso or undercoat).

Palette for mixing, make sure your palette has a large flat area (not compartments) options include:
• Wood or plastic handheld palette 
• A pad of tear-off disposable palette paper
• A ceramic plate
Palette knife for mixing paint
Container (for holding medium) small metal or plastic screw top jar/container with metal lid 
Rags or paper towels
Gesso (priming paint) for sealing/priming surfaces (available at art stores or as house paint under-coat from hardware stores).
Brush cleaning fluid or wax (available from art stores or a bar of soap from home will do)
Disposable gloves (optional)
Apron or shirt for protection from good clothes (optional)

Notification of a class cancellation will be advised 48 hours prior to the course commencement date. We advise to purchase your materials once you have received email confirmation that your class is proceeding as scheduled. All efforts are made to ensure that our classes proceed to avoid disappointment.

This course is aimed at beginners with some limited experience of painting. Students may already have completed the ‘Painting: Beginners’ course but this is not essential.

Last updated: March 14, 2025 04:30pm