Course Summary
Start publishing today!
It’s so easy now to create your own micropress, publishing books that are indistinguishable from books coming out of big multimillion-dollar publishing houses.
With little more than a home computer, you can start publishing inexpensively, as well as distribute your books all over the world.
If you’re a writer who wants to get their work out there, or run a business and want to publish as part of branding, or you’ve always wanted to start your own publisher, then this workshop is for you!
Traditional publishing was once seen as the only valid means of publishing, but the landscape has changed drastically over recent years. Nowadays, technology exists to become your own publisher, and to produce books that are physically indistinguishable from books that come out of multimillion-dollar publishing houses, and to distribute them globally.
Les Zigomanis is an innovative and successful editor with years of experience in editing books, novels, and anthologies for publication, and specialising in structural editing. He is also a published author writer who has written copy, articles, newsletters, screenplays, and books. He knows about flexibility in adapting to challenges when they arise. Have a look at his website for more information:
Course Sessions
Tuesday, 27th May - 2 classes
$165 / $157 (conc)
Les Zigomanis