Course Summary

The French for Travellers program is delivered as a 12-hour course. It is designed to facilitate travellers’ interaction with native speakers and to support their needs while travelling in France.

The course is very hands-on and conversation-based. Opportunities are constantly created for travellers to practice potential interactions with locals when they reach their destination. CAE Travellers Courses are conducted in a friendly and encouraging manner and will provide you with the language skills to further appreciate and enjoy your destination.

Course Sessions

Wednesday, 2nd April - 6 classes

Session ID DLB34505C
2 Apr - 7 May 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$349 / $332 (conc)
Catherine VAILLANT

Tuesday, 29th April - 6 classes

Session ID DLB34506C
29 Apr - 3 Jun 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$349 / $332 (conc)

This course aims to give students confidence in basic communication skills while travelling. Students will use simple conversational French that is effective in situations like meeting people, finding accommodation, travelling and eating out.

Each session involves learning a clearly defined set of key expressions and practising with the class in fun, real-life travel situations. French for Travellers focuses on developing speaking and listening skills. There is no formal grammar teaching and less emphasis on reading or writing skills. The French used is contemporary and colloquial. The course also offers an insight into culture and protocol.

The following topics are covered:

  • meeting people
  • transport & directions
  • accommodation
  • shopping & money
  • food & drink
  • entertainment & sightseeing
  • health
  • weather
  • expressing likes and dislikes
  • solving problems

By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • Make requests and locate information related to transport at airports, train and bus terminals and taxi ranks.
  • Carry out transactions such as booking a hotel reservation, ordering meals in restaurants, currency exchange and buying tickets for traditional events.
  • Know what to do in emergency situations like going to hospital.
  • Read signs (e.g. at airports and on roads).
  • Understand the importance of cultural differences.

This course is suited to complete beginners.

N.B. CAE withdrawal policy does not allow for refund or transfer once the course has started in the event that the level of the class is not suitable.

Materials included in fee.

For further enquiries, please contact the Languages Centre at 9652 0677 or email

Last updated: March 26, 2025 04:31pm