Course Summary
Understanding how and what triggers stress is crucial for a healthy and productive workplace. There are many benefits with simple practices which can lead to a peaceful work life balance.
Gain a clear and practical understanding of how to cope with stress, help build mental resilience, improve productivity, and stir consistent motivation and drive within yourself and your peers.
Course Content:
- Understanding of mental health and illness
- Promote and protect mental well-being at all times
- What is the Continuum state of mental health?
- Know how to have supportive conversation with colleagues on sensitive topics such as depression at work
- What is Stress Container?
- How to enhance emotional, psychological, social and workplace well-being
- Promote and manage a healthy work life balance
- Learn to recognize a Thought Virus which leads to stress
- How to switch off the Mind Talk Show
This program will help you build mental resilience, improve productivity, and stir consistent motivation and drive within your team. By the end of the course participants will:
- Understand what stress is and how to manage it
- Be aware of the distinct types of stress and triggers
- Develop proven ways to improve their well-being and
- Understand how to enhance their resilience
- Be equipt to identify stressors and support co-workers, family, and friends
Course handouts containing practical exercise will be provided.
Course Sessions
Thursday, 27th March - 2 classes
Session ID
27 Mar - 3 Apr
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Session Fees
$219 / $208 (conc)
$219 / $208 (conc)