Course Summary


A fun and informative creative writing course suited to people interested in writing but unsure how to get started. In a relaxed and encouraging environment, you’ll talk, workshop and complete exercises with like-minded people, gaining the confidence and ability to express yourself through words. This course has a focus on generic writing skills without focusing on any one particular genre. Those skills can then be applied to a range of styles, from poetry and short stories to personal narratives, while having lots of fun along the way.

During the course you will cover the following topics; and more:

  • Finding Inspiration
  • Character voice, creation and development
  • Settings, description, atmosphere and mood.
  • Plotting and structure.
  • Dialogue, point of view
  • Rewriting and editing
  • Recognizing and avoiding clichés
  • Showing not telling

Each class includes workshopping, exercises and homework, aimed at developing each student’s individual writing style.

What should I bring?

Please bring a pen and paper to each session for taking notes and completing writing exercises.

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for anyone wishing to explore creative writing but are unsure where to start. The course does not focus on any one particular genre or style allowing you the freedom to guide your writing into an area that interests you.

Megan Waters has been teaching at the CAE for close to 20 years. Her passion for writing has been life-long, ever since she wrote her first published story at age 10. She loves sharing her experience with new and advanced writers, both in creative ways, and in non-fiction, and hearing the diverse stories of Melbourne’s inhabitants.

Course Sessions

Saturday, 3rd May - 3 classes

Session ID HAG59002C
3 May - 17 May 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$363 / $345 (conc)

Please bring a pen and paper to each session for taking notes and completing writing exercises.

Last updated: March 12, 2025 04:31pm