Course Summary

Did you learn Ballet as a child? Or have you longed to learn but never had the opportunity? 

Join us on Wednesdays with professional dance teacher Janelle House. This class will be the best 60 minutes of your day. Each class begins at the barre and progresses into the centre. Join us in our beautiful purpose-built sun-filled studio. Every week we build on a dance from the Classical Ballet Repertoire. Next term’s focus: repertoire from the ballet Coppelia.

Beginners and Continuing classes are available on Wednesdays. Over 55s are most welcome, as Janelle is a licensee of The Silver Swans program, which specialises in Dance classes for our distinguished citizens.

  • Beginners: 10:00am to 11:00am
  • Continuing: 11.15am to 12:15pm

Our studio has easy access. Just jump on a tram or train to class, and for the afternoon you can enjoy all that our wonderful city has to offer. 

“It is not the things we get, but the hearts and minds we touch that will measure our success in life.” Janelle House.

Dance and well-being go hand-in-hand. Research shows that continued participation in dance programs can improve health for people of any age. For many, dance is more enjoyable than other forms of exercise. We dance as a group, with a leader for verbal instructions and visual cues. Dance as a low-impact structured and improvised movement with music is a highly effective way to exercise. It helps with stability, coordination and mobility. Health literature tells us that dance programs motivate people to stay engaged in regular activity. Also, dance offers each participant improved longevity, balance, core strength and coordination, with a reduction in falls and a lower risk of dementia. Dance increases social connectedness, mental health and well-being, while improving physical condition and cognitive acuity.

Course Sessions

Wednesday, 19th February - 4 classes

Session ID HWAZ7101C
19 Feb - 12 Mar 11:15am - 12:15pm
Location CBD
Session Fees
$176 / $167 (conc)
Janelle House
Last updated: February 13, 2025 04:56pm