Please bring the following materials to class:
Good quality tubes of watercolour paints –
Winsor & Newton/Art Spectrum/Holbein/Sennelier/Daniel Smith
Essential colours:
White (titanium or any)
Ultramarine Blue
Red (spectrum, cadmium light or pyrrole)
Yellow (cadmium light or lemon)
Burtn Sienna
Alizirin Crimson/Crimson
Optional colours (but great to have in your tool box)
Paynes Grey
Lemon Yellow
Raw Umber
Yellow Ochre
Cobalt Blue
One x size 12 soft watercolour brush.
Optional: smaller and larger soft watercolour brush.
Large sheet of rough textured 300-350g Arches Watercolour paper (this works out cheaper and can be cut up in to small pieces for each class)
OR a pad of watercolour sheets Arches 300-350gram paper is best but anything is ok for week 1
Plastic watercolour palette/wells (one or two)
2 x vessels for water (plastic jars or similar size containers)
Roll/sheets of paper towel
HB or 2B pencil for preliminary sketching
Good quality Masking/Frog/Painters tape
Other Materials may be required or recommended for subsequent sessions.
Notification of a class cancellation will be advised 48 hours prior to the course commencement date. We advise to purchase your materials once you have received email confirmation that your class is proceeding as scheduled. All efforts are made to ensure that our classes proceed to avoid disappointment.